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Teach creativity and problem solving
23 Mar 2022 (910 views)

Calling all teachers - Pri 5 to Sec 4.

Do you need a kit to conduct a class activity to teach creativity and problem solving to your students.
Send an email to

I will provide you a kit based on the following:
- Tangram
- Shape quiz (T puzzle)
- Logic 9 (Sudoku)
- Intelligent quiz

You can use them and return the kit.
Or keep the kit at a very modest price.

Tan Kin Lian

Teach creativity and problem solving
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Calling all teachers - Pri 5 to Sec 4.

Do you need a kit to conduct a class activity to teach creativity and problem solving to your students.
Send an email to

I will provide you a kit based on the following:
- Tangram
- Shape quiz (T puzzle)
- Logic 9 (Sudoku)
- Intelligent quiz

You can use them and return the kit.
Or keep the kit at a very modest price.

Tan Kin Lian