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E-voting system can be quite secure
05 Nov 2017 (1502 views)

I am looking for a solution to an e-voting system.

I will stored the votes in 3 separate servers, under the control of 3 independent parties. This will prevent the people in control of the primary server or hackers from manipulating the results, as they do not have any access to the other servers.

I just found another feature in database that enhance the control. I can set the table to prevent updating of the votes. The votes can be inserted but cannot be updated.

All the three servers will have security features that make it difficult for hackers to access the servers (unlike the email server of Hillary Clinton that was hacked and the emails were downloaded).

Even if a hacker can access and download the e-votes, they do not know who the voters are, as their ID is replaced by a random code. The hacker cannot alter the votes.

Furthermore, they will not be able to change the votes in the there independent servers that are separately secured.

I find this arrangement to be quite secure. I hope that some countries will have the confidence to move to e-voting. It will reduce the manpower to count the votes and prevent the fraudulent practices in a manual voting system. The results can be announced within a few minutes of the close of polling.

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E-voting system can be quite secure
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I am looking for a solution to an e-voting system.

I will stored the votes in 3 separate servers, under the control of 3 independent parties. This will prevent the people in control of the primary server or hackers from manipulating the results, as they do not have any access to the other servers.

I just found another feature in database that enhance the control. I can set the table to prevent updating of the votes. The votes can be inserted but cannot be updated.

All the three servers will have security features that make it difficult for hackers to access the servers (unlike the email server of Hillary Clinton that was hacked and the emails were downloaded).

Even if a hacker can access and download the e-votes, they do not know who the voters are, as their ID is replaced by a random code. The hacker cannot alter the votes.

Furthermore, they will not be able to change the votes in the there independent servers that are separately secured.

I find this arrangement to be quite secure. I hope that some countries will have the confidence to move to e-voting. It will reduce the manpower to count the votes and prevent the fraudulent practices in a manual voting system. The results can be announced within a few minutes of the close of polling.

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