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Teacher's kit - Tangram, Shape Quiz (T puzzle)
25 Mar 2022 (908 views)

The teacher's kit comes with a book and 40 sets of plastic pieces, packed in individual zip lock bags.

Two options are available 

- Tangram (7 pieces)
- Shape Quiz or T puzzle (4 pieces)

The teacher distributes to plastic pieces to each student and ask them to form a shape projected on the screen, or displayed on a large paper. 

The student can work individually or in pairs. 

This activity can be carried out over several lessons, as there are 100 (or more) shapes that can be formed.

After each lesson, the students return the plastic pieces in the zip lock bag. The teacher can use the pieces over several classes and several lessons.

What the puzzle teachers - teach the student to have an open and flexible mind, to know what to look out for, and to solve problems.

You can order the teacher's kits here:

Teacher's kit - Tangram, Shape Quiz (T puzzle)
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The teacher's kit comes with a book and 40 sets of plastic pieces, packed in individual zip lock bags.

Two options are available 

- Tangram (7 pieces)
- Shape Quiz or T puzzle (4 pieces)

The teacher distributes to plastic pieces to each student and ask them to form a shape projected on the screen, or displayed on a large paper. 

The student can work individually or in pairs. 

This activity can be carried out over several lessons, as there are 100 (or more) shapes that can be formed.

After each lesson, the students return the plastic pieces in the zip lock bag. The teacher can use the pieces over several classes and several lessons.

What the puzzle teachers - teach the student to have an open and flexible mind, to know what to look out for, and to solve problems.

You can order the teacher's kits here: